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How do I deal with a returned direct debit that arose from a membership contract?

You go into the customer's contracts. PERSONS -> Contracts -> select contact <-
Within the contract, scroll down a little to "Payments for this contract". Here you will find the button “1x return direct debit”. Please click this button once.
Now a note is made for the last booking and the due date is automatically set back one cycle.

In the general settings you can deposit a fee for all returned direct debits. This is then automatically booked when you click on the above button. You can find the setting in OFFICE -> Settings -> Studio -> Account details <-

After you have carried out this process for all contracts with returned direct debit, you can mark them with a tick in the contract overview. You can use the "SEPA file" button to generate a SEPA file again for the returned direct debits.


Keywords: returned direct debit customer, money cannot be collected from customer, returned direct debit refund money, bank costs returned direct debit, reset due date, customer payment not possible, customer account overdrawn, customer cannot pay, cannot debit customer, direct debit not possible, pending, direct debit fee

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