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How do rest periods work

If a rest period is entered, the membership due date will be postponed to the day the rest period takes effect. Not previously. Membership is shown marked as paused during the idle period.

The due date is postponed by the length of the rest period in days. After the rest period, membership is automatically reactivated and will be taken into account for the next SEPA direct debit.

Enter rest time

What do the 3 options mean:

Das Feld „Verlängerung“ wirkt sich nur im Moment der Kündigung aus.

  • End of contract: The end of the contract is postponed by this rest period, the customer may still use the contractually agreed services after the last term. (For the duration of the entered rest period.)


  • Notice period + end of contract: The customer may terminate later because the rest period extends his contract.




Stichwörter: Ruhezeit , Ruhezeit eingeben, Ruhezeitraum, Stilllegung, Pause, Trainingspause, Auszeit, pausieren, Vertrag ruht

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