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What do the columns from the lead system mean?

Lead -> get contact details (whichever way -> campaigns, street advertising, ...)

Erstkontakt -> ein Mitarbeiter des Studios hat Kontakt aufgenommen (E-Mail, Telefon,….)

Prospect -> after the first contact you decide whether the contact becomes a prospect or not. If not -> click “remove”. Otherwise it remains in this column until the appointment is made. If I have made an initial appointment, it comes in the next column.

First appointment -> Contact remains entered in the First appointment column until the appointment has taken place and the customer has not completed it.

Customer / Member -> If there is a deal, move the contact to this column. The contact remains here until the customer has been processed further. (Membership and starter pack added, contract edited, create more appointments, welcome letter sent, etc...)


Keywords: lead management, manage leads, lead status, customize leads

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