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United Domains emails are not sent!

United Internet steps up its fight against spam

The Provider 1 & 1, GMX and Web.de under the head of United Internet have tightened the conditions for accepting e-mails. Now, many of the emails I wanted to receive no longer arrive.

United Internet has tightened the guidelines for receiving e-mails for customers of 1 & 1, Web.de and GMX. At the request of heise online, the provider confirmed that he had updated the Sender Policy Framework (SPF). Only e-mails for which the sender address and the actual sending domain match are accepted. However, the company did not inform the customers of this step in advance! This apparently led to numerous complaints about undelivered emails.

The use of SPF against spam is controversial. Not every email with an apparently incorrect sender information comes from murky sources. Mails about redirects or mailing lists, for example, are sent via external servers. If the latter uses the e-mail address of the original sender, the IP address of the server and the domain of the sender no longer match.

United Internet bestätigte auf Nachfrage, dass die Änderung „dauerhaft“ sei. Betreiber von Mailinglisten müssten darauf achten, dass die angegebene Absenderdomain mit der Domain übereinstimme, von der aus der Versand erfolge. Für die Kunden ist das lästig: Sie haben oft keinen direkten Einfluss auf die Konfiguration von Listen-Servern oder ähnlichen Diensten und können das Problem nicht selbst beheben. (uma)

Article: 06/02/2016 12:33 PM

Source: https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/United-Internet-verschaerft-Spam-Bekaempfung-3225281.html

Ein weiterer Hinweis:

What can I do?

So what you have to do from now on is one SPF (stands for Sender Policy Framework, i.e. “safe sender”) record in your domain, so add on your website. It basically serves to protect against SPAM.

Here you can find more information about this and how this record can be added:

> SPF record at the mail provider

Stichwörter: E-Mails kommen nicht an, Emails kommen nicht an, United-Domains, United Domains, SMTP, SMTP Daten, Terminbestätigung werden nicht versandt, Terminbestätigung, Terminerinnerung, Mails kommen nicht an, Postausgang, Emailversand, Maileingang






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