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Welcome to OptiOffice

Your perfect start

Thank you for your trust in OptiOffice! Nice that you have decided to work with us. We want to make getting started with OptiOffice as easy and quick as possible. You can find our extensive help section here, which we are constantly expanding.


Your OptiOffice log in

After registering your company, you will receive your login details by email. Here you go to the login page of the OptiOffice backend area. Enter your access data in the fields and confirm. This will take you to the OptiOffice backend (employee view). You can use the backend to make all the settings, organize your activities and keep track of your company.


First quick overview

OptiOffice is divided into four main areas (tabs). Each of these tabs contains menu items for the respective functions.

  • Office -> Here you do administrative work and get a brief overview of today's day. There you will also find the way to the settings and the help area.


  • Coachingg -> Wenn es um die Kundenbetreuung geht, bist du hier richtig. Im Hauptreiter „Coaching“ erstellst du Messungen, Trainingspläne, Ernährungspläne, Videokurse,… und vieles mehr. Dieser Bereich ermöglicht dir auf verschiedene Wege, Inhalte zu schaffen und Zusatzumsatz zu generieren.


  • Calender -> You can organize your appointments in this area. Whether normal appointments, courses, working hours or birthdays. Everything that has to do with appointments is bundled in this tab.


  • People -> In this area you will find our contact, package and member management. We have also prepared some tools for you that will enrich your marketing.

So that you can find your way around quickly, we recommend watching the following video. Then you will know how OptiOffice is structured and where you can find certain areas and functions in OptiOffice.




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