Software for
Personal trainer and studios
Everything you need in one software!
Customer & member management, appointment booking, invoices, Online coaching & online marketing and much more….
The idea behind OptiOffice
We are a young, unconventional start-up company with lots of ideas, ambitious goals and commitment. Durch unsere unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten und Skills, ergänzen wir uns perfekt und sind ein eingeschworenes Gründerteam.
With full passion for OptiOffice and understanding of our target group, we offer our users the best possible support.
Our aim is to develop software based on practical experience that is intended to make the everyday work of a personal trainer and fitness studio operator much easier. In the future, OptiOffice will take over tedious administrative tasks. Thanks to OptiOffice, personal trainers and studio managers can concentrate fully on clients and sport. In addition, OptiOffice should make a significant contribution to the sales growth of our users.
On 01/01/2015 the legal framework was laid down and the company “OptiOffice” was founded as a GbR. The first basic version (beta) of OptiOffice was activated in April 2015. The software has been extensively tested and continuously optimized in the Rohit Mathur health studio. The first personal trainers registered at the beginning of August 2015. An exciting time began for us with many ups and downs. Together with the users of OptiOffice, we developed new functions, optimized existing processes and continuously improved the software.
More and more personal trainers and studios are finding their way to OptiOffice. We can see from the steadily increasing number of users that we are on the right track with the development of OptiOffice. We want to be a reliable partner for our users and we adhere to our values.
Your contact person
Martin Blume
Founder & CEO
Software development
I became interested in science and technology very early on. When I was 7 years old, out of curiosity, I disassembled my father's PC and found it incredibly exciting. However, my father didn't think it was that great, so I gave me my first own computer for my eighth birthday. With that he sealed my fate as a computer freak.
After graduating from high school and completing the Bundeswehr, I became a multimedia computer scientist and started my own business in 2002. Since then I have developed various web-based databases and always tried to make it as easy as possible for the user. The program should please relieve people of as much work as possible and simplify life.
Rohit Mathur
Founder & CEO
Customer care & marketing
As a personal trainer, osteopath and alternative practitioner, I am always anxious to find the most effective and easiest method to help my patients and customers. Now, with OptiOffice, I would like to have the best and most intuitive software for my everyday work.
For this I have brought over 20 years of professional experience to OptiOffice and enrich our team with my ideas and industry experience. As the owner of a health studio in Hamburg, I can put myself in the shoes of the target group particularly well.
I love goal-oriented work and so OptiOffice is put through its paces in my studio and continuously optimized. This guarantees a practical software solution for our users.
Annika Reents
Support & Marketing
Als Onlinemarketing Managerin unterstütze ich das Team von OptiOffice im Bereich Marketing und betreue die Website.
Außerdem bin ich gemeinsam mit Maren für den Kundensupport zuständig.
Bei Fragen oder Anregungen habe ich immer ein offenes Ohr für euer Anliegen.
Maren Schiemann
Support & Marketing
Mein bisheriges Zuhause war das Projektmanagement & der Online Sales bei einer Sportmarke.
Bei OptiOffice bin ich in den Bereichen Support & Marketing tätig.
Außerdem unterstütze ich das Team auf Messen.
Enzo Ginex
Support & Marketing
Hi, ich bin Enzo und unterstütze das Team im Bereich Marketing, Kundensupport und Kundengewinnung.
Mit meiner Erfahrung im Customer Service und Online Marketing sorge ich dafür, dass unsere Kunden optimal betreut werden und wir neue, kreative Wege zur Kundengewinnung finden – immer mit dem Ziel, das Beste für Sie zu erreichen!