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Empty the cache / buffer of the OptiOffice app on the smartphone

Every smartphone has a cache (temporary memory). This is available for every smartphone, whether Android or iOS operating system.

It may be that newly uploaded images are not displayed in the app (via trainer access browser or trainer app), but the old one is still visible. As a rule, every smartphone should display the current images at the latest after logging out and logging in again. If this is not the case, please take the following steps:

  • Go to the settings of your smartphone
  • Select "Settings"
  • Selects the OptiOffice app
  • Click on "Cache"
  • Then on "Storage"
  • Then click on "Clear/delete cache"
  • ATTENTION: DON`T click on the "Delete data" button
  • After that you can log back into the app and the new pictures will be visible.


Stichwörter: Handy, Bilder werden nicht hochgeladen, App zeigt alte Bilder, upload Bilder geht nicht, Bilderupload, iPhone, Aktualisierung Bilder, Fotoupload, App-Fotos, Austausch Bilder


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