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Legal cancellation button

The legally stipulated cancellation button for customers has been since 07/01/2022 mandatory..

Both the content of the button and the content of the confirmation of termination, as well as the visual representation are clearly defined in the law. Accordingly, the button and the cancellation confirmation were implemented by us.

The text of the confirmation of termination cannot be changed and is stipulated by law. The same applies to the cancellation button.

In order to relieve you of as much work as possible, we have built a form that you can link to on your website via a link. This link allows your customers to give notice of cancellation according to the new law. At the same time, he/she will receive the provisional confirmation of termination via download and email, which you still have to check.

Keywords: cancel, without notice, membership, contract, cancellation field, input field, cancellation, confirmation, letter of cancellation



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