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Contact is created twice. What to do?

Doppelungen können vorkommen, wenn ein Kunde bei der Onlinebuchung, andere Daten (z.B. E-Mail Adresse) angibt und diese Daten so nicht in seinem Zugang hinterlegt sind. Es kann auch vorkommen, dass man im Eifer des Gefechtes bei einer Terminvergabe vergisst zu fragen, ob dieser Kunde bereits im System hinterlegt ist.

If a contact is created twice, it makes sense to clean up the duplication. DON`T Please do NOT just delete the contact!
The easiest way is to give one of the duplicates a different name.

Then you look at the appointments, invoices, training plans, check-ups, etc... which of the duplicates already has more assigned entries.
You then simply rename the contact with the less content to e.g. “Max pattern-delete”.

If there is still content assigned to this contact, swap the name of the content.
So that in the end all content is only on one contact. In the end, the "Max-muster-delete" will be deleted and all content will be with one person again.



Keywords: customer exists twice, member, customer exists again, customer created twice, same members, double contact

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